Are you ready to search for an orb? Here's the scoop:
First, a huuuuge THANK YOU to Professor Brian Roberts and his art students at Central College for creating such beautiful orbs for us! We are so grateful for their creativity and willingness to take time to participate in this opportunity for civic engagement. A big THANK YOU to Pella Parks Manager, Chandler Nunnikhoven, and his fabulous staff for the recent BRP trail clean-up! There were a number of downed trees this winter and the Pella Parks staff did a great job moving them off the trails. Here are some FAQ's and Finding Tips as you head out to the park:
Q: Can you keep the 'Owl Orbs' once you find them? A: YES! *We just ask that you only keep one orb per family/individual per season. We will be hiding 35 orbs this spring/summer/fall and want as many people and families to get one as possible. Of course, just because you find one doesn't mean you can't continue to look/find, but if you find a second orb, keep one and leave the other(s) for someone else to find.Many THANKS for honoring this request!
Q: How many orbs will be hidden? A: We will be hiding 5 orbs per month in April, May, June, July, August, September, and October (*35 total orbs).
Q: Where are the orbs located? A: It's a secret! However, they are (1) all located in close proximity to the trails, (2) visible to the naked eye, and (3) relatively easy to spot if you're looking.
NOTE: When hiding the orbs we attempt to avoid poison ivy and green briar, but please be careful--there's still plenty of it in the park!
***Once you find an orb, PLEASE take a selfie/photo and post the number/year on our Facebook page, 'FRIENDS OF BIG ROCK PARK.' If you don’t have FB, no worries! Please email me the pictures of you/your orbs and I will post them to FB ( This will also allow other orb hunters the opportunity to see what's already been found and what's still hidden in the park.
*If you have any questions, feel free to DM message George Clark via Messenger or via email. We wish you all the very best of luck on your hunt!
FYI, I have included pictures of the first round of 5 'Owl Orb's hidden in the park! Have fun and we hope you discover the natural treasures in Big Rock Park while you hunt for the orbs.
THANK YOU in advance for respecting the gift of Big Rock Park and honoring/respecting your fellow orb seekers .
-Friends of Big Rock Park Board of Directors
Here are the April Orbs.
And remember, if you have a membership in Friends of Big Rock Park, you get a slight head start and hint about the orbs, In fact, number 5 has already been found by some lucky members!